Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Weeks 3 Presentation- Roles of Computer

Week 3 presentation was done by Hazween and Ridhwan. They presented about the roles of the computer in teaching and learning language and the principles for CALL evaluation. I also gained some knowledge about the benefits of CALL and also its drawbacks. As a lab activity, we were required to create a blog. This very blog is created for this course. I’m looking forward to visiting my friends’ blogs to see what they have done.

From their presentations, I’ve learnt about the roles of computer. First of all, computer can be a tutor for language drills and for practicing a particular skill.Secondly, computer can be a useful tool for presenting, researching, and writing. It can also be a medium of communication.

CALL has many advantages and disadvantages, but I’m more interested on the positive aspects of CALL.

1. Students are allowed freedom during the learning process.
2. CALL is interactive. Before CALL, teaching materials are passive. But in CALL, materials adapt themselves to the level and requirements of the individual student.
3. The interactivity of CALL and its effects on the senses are more motivating compared to the usual classroom learning environment.

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