Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hole in the Wall

After reading the research done by Mitra and et al. entitled “Acquisition of computing literacy on shared public computers: Children and the "hole in the wall”, I found the results of the research to be very surprising. The main purpose of their research was to investigate unsupervised group learning in shared public spaces. This means that the children learn to use computers and the Internet all on their own, without the help and guidance of a teacher.

It is amazing that based on the research, they found that computer literacy can be gained by just about anyone. Children can master computer literacy and know their way with the Internet without being taught by a teacher too.

Why is the result as such? Does it have to do with the children’s motivation to use the computer? Is the computer THAT easy to navigate by children without an expert’s assistance? One thing for sure, this proves that the computer is a handy tool, and therefore should be exploited to encourage student learning. Computer really is for everyone regardless of who you are or where you’re from. Positive results from this research may mean the reduction of digital divide in India.

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